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Matthews Available for Coverage of Supreme Court Health Care Law Decision

DALLAS, TX: Dr. Merrill Matthews, Institute for Policy Innovation resident scholar, health care expert and Forbes columnist, is available for interview to offer analysis throughout ongoing coverage of the historic Supreme Court decision regarding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, expected next week.

"The Supreme Court’s ruling will leave Americans wondering what’s next,” said Matthews.

"Whether part or all of the law is found unconstitutional, or even if the law is upheld, neither Republicans nor Democrats have developed any plans past this point,” he said. “And while Republicans talk about 'repeal and replace,' they don’t know what to replace it with. Indeed, some Republicans are now advocating 'repeal and embrace,' that is, keeping what they think are popular parts of the law.”

"While the Obama administration has publicly expressed confidence the law will be upheld, officials are worried and have recently implied that they would move forward with implementing any parts that aren't overturned,” said Matthews.

"If the Court finds the law unconstitutional, that creates an opportunity for President Obama to work with Republicans—something he promised to do as a candidate—to craft targeted reforms that will address the problems of access, quality and affordability," concluded Matthews. "Solving our health insurance problems is only difficult if one party is dead set on creating a government-managed health care system."

The Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI) is an independent, nonprofit public policy organization based in Dallas, Texas. Dr. Merrill Matthews, resident scholar and health care expert, is available for interview by contacting Erin Humiston at (972) 874-5139, or
