Letter to the FCC Promoting Consumer Choice and Wireless Competition Through Handset Unlocking Requirements and Policies
Regulatory parity should be the Commission’s goal. Without a common framework, handset unlocking obligations will become even more convoluted as the market continues to evolve through future M&A, changes in spectrum holdings, new competitive entry, and the emergence of new business models and offerings.
Comments to USPTO Regarding Patent Disclosure Requirements
Comments in oppositioin to the proposed new Patent Disclosure Requirements (PDRs) that would weaken intellectual property rights and threaten American innovation.
Coalition Letter Concerning NO FAKES Act
Bipartisan coalition letter expressing concerns with the released draft legislation called the Nurture Originals, Foster Art, and Keep Entertainment Safe, or NO FAKES Act.
Comments to NIH Regarding Private Sector Investment in Prescription R&D
Adressing the importance of private sector investment in prescription drug research and development and its relationship to NIH funding.
Coalition Letter on Railroad Safety Act
Railroads are crucial for the efficient running of the nation’s supply chain. That makes it all the more important that Congress pursue wise, cost-effective policies that benefit the entire nation, as opposed to ones that primarily aid a few well-placed special interests.
Coalition Letter in Support of Capital Gains Indexing
Government should not profit from inflation. The costs basis for capital gains should be indexed to inflation, like other income taxes.
Standing Up for American Innovators, Investors, and Risk-takers
Comments to the U.S. International Trade Commission regarding the proposed extension of the TRIPS intellectual property waiver for Covid-19 diagnostics and therapeutics.
Comments to the Department of Health and Human Services Regarding Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program Guidance
Nearly 50 million Americans rely on Medicare Part D. The program must not be drastically changed until their voices have a chance to be heard.