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Has the Last Edifice to the Liberal Vision Just Collapsed?

The reign of President Barack Obama has been tough for the liberal worldview. Really tough. 

It seems that just about everything the man believed coming into office has been proven false, demonstrably so. 

With respect to economics, Obama is chairman of the board of the Keynesian Fiscal Stimulus Stalwarts. The president and his economic advisors must have predicted five or 10 economic recoveries and haven’t been right yet. The economy continues to sputter forward. 

Obama kicked off his run with his $800 billion stimulus package. ObamaCare was also supposed to jumpstart the economy. And the Federal Reserve Bank has had Obama’s back by pumping in trillions of dollars. And the best result we’ve seen in several months was the recent second quarter’s 2.5 percent growth rate. And that was likely due to the sequester cuts that Obama fought so hard against. 

Except for a few diehards who refuse to acknowledge the evidence—which would include the president—Keynesian analysis may be slipping back into the liberal dustbins of history. 

And then there was Obama’s vision for a new economy built on clean energy. The president has funneled billions of taxpayer dollars into various green energy projects intended create high-paying jobs while simultaneously reducing our carbon footprint. But we are inundated almost daily with stories of his investment failures. 

We have been reducing our carbon footprint in areas, but it’s because of new drilling technologies that have made natural gas abundant and cheap. And the irony here is that an industry that Obama and his green friends would like to kill may be the primary spark keeping the economy’s head above water. 

And now comes the final insult, the development that threatens to undermine the liberals’ hope for catastrophe: Arctic ice appears to be growing. 

London’s Daily Mail has a story explaining that arctic ice has grown by 60 percent over the summer. 

Most people would instinctively think, that’s good news, right?  Predictions of quickly rising sea levels, hotter summers, stronger hurricanes and dying polar bears may be overblown.

But most people would not be liberal visionaries. Predicting catastrophe is the only way liberals can get broad buy-in for their policies, just as Obama described the economic disaster that would occur if the sequester cuts were implemented. 

Of course, Antarctic ice was already growing. And the earth’s temperature has been flat for the past 16 years. So the decline in Arctic ice was the liberals’ last gasp for validation. If the trend continues the liberal edifice will collapse.