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Liquor Sales Ruling a Victory for Texans, Free Markets

Institute for Policy Innovation

DALLAS – In a victory for the Texas economy and consumers, a U.S. District Court judge has ruled against an anti-competitive state law barring publicly traded companies from owning package liquor stores.

“No business interest or business model should be protected against competition by government laws or regulations,” said Tom Giovanetti, president of the Institute for Policy Innovation. “A U.S. District Court judge rightfully struck down a law inappropriately allowed to stand by the Texas Legislature, which has served to enable cartels and facilitate crony capitalism. That was not the Legislature’s role; rather, government should set an open, level playing field and let the market determine winners and losers.”

“Here in Texas we pride ourselves on our limited government, free-market approach to the economy,” said Giovanetti. “But, we haven’t been as free-market as we think we are. We applaud this ruling which, if allowed to stand, will allow consumers to benefit from enhanced competition.”