  • Freedom
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February 9, 2019

Is the Green New Deal Even Feasible?

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) have just released their Green New Deal resolution, which they hope will move America to 100% clean and renewable energy by 2030. Given current U.S. energy requirements and the state of renewable energy technology, it's an impossible goal.

February 7, 2019

Local Governments Want to Expand Broadband--and Their Tax Grab

The FCC is proposing to reaffirm its cable franchising rules, which are needed to limit local governments' efforts to increase their reach, regulations and fees (i.e., taxes).

January 25, 2019

House Democrats Propose 'Green New Deal' to Reshape the Economy

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is pushing legislation she calls a “Green New Deal (GND)” to eliminate the United States’ use of fossil fuels and replace them with select renewable sources of energy.

January 3, 2019

The Purpling of America

Why then do people leaving "Blue" states bring their Blue state politics with them to a state offering a less-expensive lifestyle?

December 26, 2018

With FCC Likely to Mostly Stick to Cable Franchising Fee Plan, Suits Probable

The FCC seeks to “limit municipal greed” with a “pro-consumer move” that “simply enforces the intention of federal law to limit the financial demands municipalities can make of cable providers,” wrote IPI president Tom Giovanetti. Some cities place a franchise fee on internet services, prohibited by the Internet Tax Freedom Act, he said: “When government imposes on companies, they end up being passed along” to consumers “in the form of higher prices.” 

December 20, 2018

Those Greedy Cities

When government imposes costs on companies, they end up being passed along in the form of higher prices.

December 19, 2018

France's Rollback of Carbon Taxes Seems Like a Setback for Environmentalists, But Progressives Are Determined to Impose Them

Imposing carbon and gasoline taxes is not about ways to pay for needed government services. It’s about progressives trying to fund their climate change agenda.

November 12, 2018

It's Time to Rein in Proxy Advisor Services

Rather than be distracted and harassed by proxy recommendations of dubious quality and hidden agendas, corporate governance should focus on maximizing shareholder value for the benefit of investors, employees and customers.

October 3, 2018

New Publication: How Health Insurance Failed America

In a new publication, IPI’s Dr. Merrill Matthews examines how politicians forced health insurers to abandon standard actuarial principles and have tried to turn health insurance into a social justice tool to achieve their vision of “fairness.”

October 2, 2018

Jerry Brown, Meet the Constitution

California's effort to regulate the internet ignores the Constitution's Commerce Clause, even though the internet is the very definition of interstate commerce.

Total Records: 369